
School Policies

School Policies
Our School

Our policies and procedures

We have a number of School Policies which describe our approach to procedures, circumstances and any events which may arise - they keep standards high and ensure that school life is governed by a clear set of rules for each and every occasion.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more about a particular subject or procedure in school.

Whole School

Guide for Parents 2024

General Aims & Philosophy of the School

Accessibility plan | June 2024

Admissions policy - Form of undertaking | January 2024

Child protection & safeguarding policy & procedures | April 2024

Complaints policy | September 2023

Data Protection Policy | April 2024

Equal opportunities policy | May 2024

Exclusion policy | April 2024

Fire safety policy | October 2023

First Aid policy (inc Head Injury Policy) | June 2023

Health and safety policy | April 2024

Risk assessment policy | March 2023

Site security and workplace safety policy | March 2023

Recruitment, selection and disclosure policy and procedure | January 2024

Travel insurance policy | September 2023

Travel insurance policy | September 2022 - COVID FAQ

Medication consent form | March 2022

Privacy Notice - Parents, Pupils and Alumni | May 2018

Risk assessment policy for pupil welfare | September 2023

Online safety policy | June 2023

Smoking, alcohol and drugs policy | September 2023

School trip cancellation or disruption | January 2024

Educational/external visits policy | February 2024

Senior School

Anti-bullying policy | September 2023

Behaviour rewards and sanctions policy | September 2023

Teaching and Learning, assessment and reporting policy | October 2023

Supervision policy | April 2024

Curriculum policy | October 2023

AI policy | April 2024

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) policy | April 2024

Internal assessment appeals procedure | November 2023

Internal appeals form

Relationships and Sex Education policy | December 2023

Junior School & Nursery (including EYFS)

These should be read in conjunction with the general School Policies above.

Pupil supervision policy | May 2024

Anti-bullying policy | September 2023

Assessment and feedback policy | July 2022

Teaching and learning policy | February 2024

Touch policy | June 2024

Curriculum policy | February 2024

Learning enrichment policy | May 2024

Culture and Ethos Policy | January 2024

Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education Policy (inc PSHE) | February 2024