
University of Cambridge Speaker Launches Careers Programme

Sixth Form Careers

On Thursday 23 February our Lower Sixth students and their parents had the opportunity to hear Mike Nicholson, Deputy Head of Education Services (Admissions and Participation) at the University of Cambridge, speak at our Higher Education Evening.

The evening formally launched our main programme supporting students in researching, planning and preparing for life beyond Churcher’s.

Mike offered a witty and highly informative insight into the world of Higher Education, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of Degree Apprenticeships and Professional Pathways.

With the increasingly competitive nature of university admissions, this was a hugely insightful evening and hopefully good motivation for the students to start booking their open days and taster sessions and well as planning, and executing, their supra-curricular activities. With the Oxbridge and Medical Programmes now well underway and the Higher Education Evening under their belts, there is a palpable interest and excitement about planning for the future amongst our students.

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University of Cambridge Speaker Launches Careers Programme