
Power Down Day

Junior Caring for our Environment

The sustainability of the Earth was on everyone’s minds on Monday 19 June 2023 when our Junior School & Nursery Pupils held a ‘Power-Down Day.’

Led by our Year 6 Eco Council, the aim was to see how much power could be conserved through only essential use throughout the day.

In the week leading up to Power-Down Day, the whole school was encouraged to think about ways in which they could save energy, with each year group coming up with many thoughtful ideas including turning the tap off whilst brushing their teeth, turning off switches when not needing them and growing their own vegetables.

On the day, meter readings were taken so we could see how much power would be saved and all pupils came into school wearing a green piece of clothing (all currently-owned or pre-loved items, of course).

The Eco Council were very pleased to announce the results of all our efforts during Monday’s Pupil Briefing - we managed to save 132kW of energy which is over half our normal daily consumption.

Thank you so much for everyone’s green efforts on Power Down Day with special thanks going to the Eco Council for inspiring us.

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Power Down Day