
Senior Play: Alice

Senior Performances

Contemporary playwright Laura Wade’s ‘Alice’ – a modern reimagining of the well-known Alice in Wonderland tale - was the Senior Production for 2019, a hugely entertaining and inventive piece of theatre over several nights in December to appreciative audiences.

Staged within the Sports Hall, the whole space was transformed with a 'Wonderland' style entrance - fairy lights and large playing cards hung from the ceiling, all leading toward a small doorway to one side through which the audience would need to walk through in order to find their seats - truly magical!

The action began at a grim funeral reception for Alice's beloved older brother who had been killed in a drink-driving accident. Curled up in a chair and refusing to engage, Alice endures the platitudinous sympathy of relations, while her mother becomes remote with grief. It takes the intercession of the White Rabbit to get her out of the house, lead her towards the madcap world of Wonderland, and encourage Alice to display qualities of resilience and courage in order to return her to home and appreciate fully what life can offer her, despite this setback.

A challenging play with a huge amount of dialogue and a technical production featuring song, dance, live and recorded all contributed to the action, creating an inventive and entertaining spectacle.

Well done to all the pupils who took part whether on-stage or behind the scenes.

Flickr album: Senior Production of Alice Autumn 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default


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Senior Play: Alice