
Senior Play: The Diary of Anne Frank

Senior Performances

During the Spring Term a group of Upper School pupils and Sixth Form students from Churcher's College came together to perform the Senior Play, The Diary of Anne Frank.

Performed over several nights, the play was a thoughtful and intimate look at the experiences of the Frank family as they hid in an annex during the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam. 

The entire cast, which also included teacher Mr Crossman, performed exceptionally well, each giving incredibly moving performances, drawing the audience into this small space where the real characters of the story spent two years before tragically being discovered. 

As part of their preparations for the play, in February 2020 the cast visited Anne Frank Haus in Amsterdam, to see the Annex for themselves and get a sense of the location for the play's setting (they even found a canal bridge built in 1722, the same year as our school!). 

A big well done to the cast and to Mr Lofthouse for directing the play and bringing it all together. 

Flickr album: Senior Production - The Diary of Anne Frank Spring 2020 | Height: auto | Theme: Default


Flickr album: Amsterdam Trip to Anne Frank House | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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Senior Play: The Diary of Anne Frank