
4G Raise Over £200 for Richard Churcher Foundation

Senior 300th Anniversary

Senior School class 4G organised a brilliant Christmas snacks and drinks sale to raise money for the Richard Churcher Foundation, which provides bursary awards to families whose children would otherwise be unable to benefit from a Churcher’s education.

In very organised fashion, 4G pupils sold cakes and Christmas treats along with tea and hot mulled squash to pupils throughout the school at morning break. They were very pleased to have raised over £200.

The sale was part of the ‘300 Pennies Challenge’ – a way in which pupils can support the Richard Churcher Foundation. Every pupil has been given 300 pennies, to use innovatively to raise money; as a pupil body the school is aiming to raise more than the £3,000 which Richard Churcher gave as his initial gift in his Will to set up the school in 1722.

The pupils all pooled together their 300 pennies in order to bulk buy the produce to sell.

A big well done to 4G for a brilliant effort.

Flickr album: 4G Christmas Snacks and Mulled Juice Sale 1 Dec 21 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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4G Raise Over £200 for Richard Churcher Foundation