
Firewalkers Raise More than £1000 for Charity Fitzroy

Senior Charity

A mixed staff-pupil team recently undertook a brave new challenge in aid of the charity FitzRoy. Religion & Philosopher teachers Mr Ostersen and Mr Lofthouse along with School Counsellor Jenny Yeates and Sixth Form student Zoe Blackburn proved they were indeed ‘brave soles’ by walking 20ft over burning wood embers at over 600 degrees Celsius!

Jenny Yeates of the event, “We all survived very well. In fact, I came away feeling on a bit of a high - after the big confidence building session (over an hour) which preceded, the actual walk took less than 10 seconds! It was definitely a case of mind over matter, ‘conductivity’ and courage.”

Between them, the Churcher’s College team raised more than £1,000 to contribute to the evening total of £10,120.52.

FitzRoy transforms lives every day by supporting people with learning disabilities to do the simple things that make a real difference to their everyday life. Jim Apted of FitzRoy said, “I just wanted to thank you all for getting behind the Firewalk and getting a team together from Churcher’s. Churcher’s has been really supportive of FitzRoy over the last year – it was great to be able to come and tell the students and staff about the work we do before dress down day and the money raised from this and the Firewalk will be invaluable to help us to continue our work to support people with learning disabilities and autism.”

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