
Meet the Author: Erin Hunter

Senior Lectures

Senior School pupils had the great pleasure of welcoming author Vicky Holmes today.

Born and bred in Petersfield, Vicky is the renowned author of the Warrior Cats series of novels (also the College Library’s most borrowed books!) under the pseudonym Erin Hunter. She has written hundreds of books, including the Rainbow Fairies, Animal Ark and Beast Quest series, so there were very few students in attendance who hadn’t read her books.

First Year pupils were given a masterclass in creative writing, in which Vicky shared her passion for stories as well as offering much practical advice on how to craft a story. She then set them a writing challenge which she will judge before returning to award prizes before Half Term.

All students were then invited to an informal Meet the Author session in the Library at lunchtime. It was wonderful to see First Years through to Sixth Formers revel at the chance to meet their literary hero!

As one of our Lower Sixth was heard to comment on the way out “She was my childhood!”.

Our grateful thanks go to Vicky for such an inspiring morning and we look forward to welcoming her back to Churcher’s in February.

View our Flickr gallery below:

Meet the Author: Erin Hunter Jan 2020

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Meet the Author: Erin Hunter