
Interactive Virtual Presentation from Recruitment Expert

Senior Careers

Determined not to let pandemics get in the way of a good talk, when Odgers and Berndston recruitment expert Peter Lawrence offered to share his knowledge and advice we leapt at the opportunity.

Peter is a recruitment professional at Odgers Berndtson and Governor at Churcher’s College. His talk provided an excellent foundation for students preparing for the next stage beyond A Levels; Peter shared advice on networking, application and CV writing, and interview preparation and techniques.

Despite the relentless pace of online-working over the last few months, Sixth Form students were enthusiastic and motivated, with over 30 attending and many more asking for a recording. Peter has also offered to review Churcher’s students’ CVs which will be both popular and advantageous.

We would like to thank Peter for sharing such valuable information and insight which will underpin fundamental and lifelong skills for our students.

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Interactive Virtual Presentation from Recruitment Expert