
Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Music Senior

A fond farewell from the Churcher’s College Remote Choir.

Listen, watch and enjoy this moving performance from the Churcher’s College Remote Choir singing 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight' from the Disney movie, The Lion King. Featuring almost 70 Junior and Senior pupils aged between 10 and 18 years, plus teachers and support staff; this recording conveys a fond farewell to the summer term, to remote learning, and for some goodbye to school days forever.

Sixth Form pupils Kirsty Foreman and Rachel Newberry deliver beautiful and polished solo performances, a highlight of this musical treat. Members of the choir were inspired to wear colourful clothing or dress as characters from The Lion King to connect and inject some fun to the singing.

Helen Purchase, Director of Music, conducted the performance and explains the song choice: “Our musicians were due to perform at Cadogan Hall in London this summer and were disappointed it was cancelled. This song enabled us to share the stage together remotely, it was the last piece we rehearsed together before lockdown and seemed a fitting message to complete this unique school year. We sang as one again, enabling us to end on a high!”

All the singers recorded themselves at home and sent in the performances which were stitched together by the Music Department.



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Can You Feel the Love Tonight?