
Sixth Form Production of The Real Inspector Hound

Senior Performances

Last week, a collective of Sixth Form students, ably supported by a few staff members, performed with style and humour Tom Stoppard’s murder mystery parody, The Real Inspector Hound.

As we hope for life to return to normality, we think everyone will agree that a good laugh is very much needed and this production certainly delivered light-hearted escapism.

The play’s Director and Churcher’s R&P teacher, Mr Lofthouse, explains further:

“Tom Stoppard’s surreal comedy has, to be honest, confused us all for many weeks. Just when you think you are beginning to grasp what is going on, something else occurs to you or contradicts your original thought, throwing it all up in the air again. There is a reason classics become classics, of course, and we’ve had a lot of fun with it.”

The audience was certainly impressed with this unique and highly entertaining performance!

Flickr album: The Real Inspector Hound - June 2021 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

You can view the show’s programme below:

About The Real Inspector Hound

The Real Inspector Hound is a short, one-act play by Tom Stoppard. The plot follows two theatre critics named Moon and Birdboot who are watching a ludicrous setup of a country house murder mystery, in the style of a whodunit. By chance, they become involved in the action causing a series of events that parallel the play they are watching.

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Sixth Form Production of The Real Inspector Hound