
Marking Remembrance 2023


Churcher’s College marked Remembrance 2023 with a series of events throughout the week.

On the evening of Wednesday 8 November, the School held its Remembrance Concert at St Peter’s Church, Petersfield with the Senior Orchestra, Senior Choir, Barbershop, SSA and Senior Chamber Choir who all performed admirably to a packed audience.

Flickr album: Remembrance Concert 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

On Friday 10 November Churcher’s College commemorated Armistice Day with a special morning assembly followed by a procession through the school’s war memorial whilst the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) of Army, Navy and RAF cadets stood in formation, accompanied by music from the Senior Wind Band.

After the assembly, the banner party and wreath bearers led the procession to the school’s war memorial, built to honour Old Churcherians who fought in the First and Second World Wars. Poppy wreaths were laid and saluted after which all senior school pupils, staff and CCF cadets followed behind the wreath bearers to walk the route through the memorial to remember those lost. 

Flickr album: Remembrance Procession 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

On Remembrance Sunday, Churcher’s College CCF and Senior Wind Band were honoured to take part in the Petersfield town centre Remembrance Parade and Service, held in the Square outside St Peter’s Church followed by a march to the town’s war memorial where wreaths were laid. The service was attended by many Petersfield residents wishing to pay their respects as well as Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, Alan Titchmarsh MBE.

Flickr album: Remembrance Parade, Petersfield Town Centre, 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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Marking Remembrance 2023