
History Trip to WW1 Battlefields

Senior Trips

A group of Third Year pupils recently embarked on a profoundly moving and educational journey to the battlefields of the First World War in Ypres, Belgium and the Somme region of France.

The trip provided an immersive learning experience that brought the harsh realities and sacrifices of WWI to life.

The students began their tour at the Flanders Field Museum in Ypres, where interactive exhibits vividly depicted all aspects of the Great War. They then traveled to the Somme area, visiting the awe-inspiring Thiepval Memorial to over 72,000 missing British and Commonwealth soldiers. At Beaumont Hamel, they paid respects at the site where the renowned Newfoundland Regiment bravely fought and perished. The Canadian National Vimy Memorial, with its solitary allegorical figure of "Canada Bereft" overlooking the former battlefield, left a lasting impression.

A striking highlight was witnessing the moving Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres.

The final day included visits to the German cemetery at Langemark and the British Tyne Cot Cemetery, two of the largest Commonwealth cemeteries in Belgium.

Despite the somber tone of the trip, the students managed to experience some lighter moments by exploring the local chocolate shops. This impactful journey undoubtedly deepened the students' understanding and appreciation of the immense sacrifices made during World War I.

Flickr album: Third Year History Trip - Somme & Ypres Battlefields, February 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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History Trip to WW1 Battlefields