
EPQ Forum 2022

Senior Co-Curricular

More than 30 Upper Sixth students rounded off their Extended Project Qualifications with a Presentation Evening in the Sports Hall in early December. 

Over the course of the last 15 months, these students have chosen a topic which interests them (and which falls outside their A Level studies); they have then planned and undertaken their own investigative research in that area. The end results, either a 5,000-word essay or an artefact created from scratch, were on display to the Churcher's community.  

Some of the fantastic artefacts on display included a re-creation of Kendall Jenner’s Cannes Gala dress, made on a budget of £100, to a drone designed to deliver medicines to remote communities. One student had depicted the stages of Alzheimer's through three paintings as a means of understanding the progress of the disease. Written projects ranged from the role of MSG in our food, to whether Latin should be taught more widely in schools and the effect of the pandemic on athletes’ performance in the Tokyo Olympics. 

Some of the fantastic artefacts on display included a re-creation of Kendall Jenner’s Cannes Gala dress, made on a budget of £100, to a drone designed to deliver medicines to remote communities.

As always, the students had put great effort into making their stands as informative and visually appealing as possible, including a standout mention for the ever-depleting Spanish Armada represented by sausage rolls. They spoke with great knowledge and enthusiasm for their subjects over the course of a few hours and the whole evening was a celebration of the huge amount of work they have undertaken. Well done, all! 

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EPQ Forum 2022